The larger our cities become, the greater the need for alternative systems to resolve disputes and balance development interests.
Urban mediation is a specific type of out-of-court dispute resolution in the spatial planning and development of our cities that helps to make the process of resolving urban cases between actors with seemingly disparate interests holistic, easier and sustained through time.
It is useful because it creates:
- the right conditions for all parties in the urban development process to be satisfied
- solutions sustained through time by improving the relationship between stakeholders
- quicker procedures for resolving complex cases without the intervention of the courts

Public consultation and moderation
A well-structured public discussion and an independent moderator create good conditions for a better and more useful outcome of the discussion for the parties. Our company offers services in structuring public deliberations, developing stakeholder-specific approaches as well as independent professional moderation (leading) of deliberations. The service is applied for public deliberations in the sphere of spatial planning and concept and strategy development. It has been designed to serve municipalities, investors, planners and NGOs.

Structuring the dialogue between businesses, NGOs and administrations
One of the important conditions for creating a sustainable investment over time is to structure the overall stakeholder consultation process properly. Only in this way can barriers be overcome and potentials utilised in time, and this requires involving everyone at the right stage and in the right way. The service is aimed at state and municipal administrations, investors, planners and NGOs.

Out-of-court dispute resolution/negotiation moderation and urban mediation
The KOMPONENTA team is certified in mediation and out-of-court dispute resolution under the Mediation Act in Bulgaria and specializes in adapting mediation frameworks and insturments to the needs of spatial planning.
The process of moderating negotiation and urban mediation aims to assist the parties (citizens, businesses, municipality, state) to reach a solution through negotiation, improving their communication and opportunities for future interaction for the development of the city. The procedure is an out-of-court way to resolve disputes, but can also be conducted in the case of pending court proceedings.
Our mediators are experts in spatial planning and urban policies who believe that only together we can achieve more and make cities healthier, more beautiful and more functional.